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Urszula SOLER1

Transformacje kultury

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (80-81) 2014 Data publikacji: 23 maja 2014r.

Artykuł Nr 20140523205004216

Streszczenie The twentieth century brought many changes in many areas, including in the world of fashion. "Little Black Dress" Coco Chanel, the emergence of the great designers and the capital of fashion, creating brands, fashion magazines – those are all the achievements of the past century. The end of the century, however, brought new changes. It turned out that the existing ways of creating new trends is not good enough, as trends change so quickly that fashion labels are not able to keep up with them. In addition, people began to not just blindly follow fashion, but wanted to have a real impast on it. Companies involved in creating trends, brands and collections quickly realized that the true source of fashion inspiration is very close to them - the surrounding society – and that they need to just grab this source. In this way, a new profession in the fashion world was created - Coolhunting.

  1. Katedra Mikrostruktur Społecznych i Współczesnych Teorii Socjologicznych, Instytut Socjologii, Wydział Nauk Społecznych Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego

    E-mail: ululkie@kul. pl