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Dorota BRYLLA1

Przyszłość – wizje, interpretacje i opowieści

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (76-77) 2013 Data publikacji: 31 maja 2013r.

Artykuł Nr 20130531143949904

Streszczenie This article presents a look at the phenomenon of divination, within the framework of which the mind and consciousness are made as categories of vital importance. In its first part the text shows why it is impossible to anger, sadden etc. God with the practised acts of divination, that is to see God as: a) somebody (sic!) who feels emotions; b) somebody who sees what is going on in the world; c) somebody who thinks, understands, knows etc. Through it and considering the correlation of mind/intellect-brain-physical body (soma)-matter the question is presented as to why it is unwarranted to employ – when talking about God – the conception of (divine) mind, (divine) intellect, and to predicate on God as on a person. Furthermore, the article proves that a clear-cut separation between the fortune-telling and the divination techniques typical for the modern fortune-tellers and the so-called “esoterics”, and the act of divination, augury described in the Bible in the form of giving forth the lots is a misconception – mainly due to the, nomen omen, religious idea of divinatio (“the gift of prophecy/”the gift of seeing”). Next, the categories of brain and mind-conscoiusness (as its ephiphenomenon) are shown from the point of view of determining by them the actual basis for the possibility of the divination and precognition acts to happen. The latter are namely the effect of the neuronal operation in the brain, and the capability to carry out the divination, to “see” the anticipated future is interpreted as part of more general psychic abbilities, manifested in the domain of mind and consciousness. The above-mentioned optics are in fact characteristic for New Age world view and the new paradigm (based primarily on quantum physics and Jungian psychology), representative for modern ways of thinking and seeing the world – at least present in some, continually widening, circles.

  1. Instytut Filozofii, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski

    E-mail: atorod.azi@gmail.com