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Informacja – komunikacja - polityka

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (76-77) 2013 Data publikacji: 30 maja 2013r.

Artykuł Nr 20130530223709148

Streszczenie In the term democracy, there is a contradiction between the businesses of the majority and the minority of citizens. In antagonistic societies, this contradiction took dramatic forms. To solve this problem, officials were drawn, a plural voting system was used, new political institutions came into being, theories of „the vocal minority” and „the silent majority” became famous, elites and specialists governed, and dictatorship was established. The number of rights of the minority is often a measure of democracy. Achieving a majority of votes does not mean possessing the truth or acting according to the rules of justice. The majority may become the minority and the other way round. In order to challenge decisions made in compliance with democratic procedures, which constantly stigmatize and marginalize the minority, people refer to the concept of natural and moral rules. Oligarchy pretends to rule in businesses of the majority. To legitimize decisions, deliberative democracy assumes reaching consensus. The need to avoid contradictions between the majority and the minority is expressed as a proposal to transform antagonism into agonism.

  1. Rejonowy Ośrodek Doskonalenia Nauczycieli i Informacji Pedagogicznej „WOM” w Rybniku

    E-mail: edward.karolczuk@gmail.com