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Transformacje kulturowe

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (76-77) 2013 Data publikacji: 27 maja 2013r.

Artykuł Nr 20130527214010718

Streszczenie The contemporary world is undergoing a phase of deep technocultural changes which influences the society of the 21st century, already referred to as the Web society. The accelerating change has been foreseen by one of the greatest philosophers of culture of the previous century: José Ortega y Gasset. In his ponderings he analyzed the social, cultural and economic dynamics of world transformation in the context of perspectivism and ratio-vitalism, resulting from technological advancements and industrialization. According to him, mass culture was the result of the development of technological civilization, which itself originated from the development of science. He opined that the leading role in defining the world would be played by such branches of science as mathematics and physics. He has also foresaw the changes observed nowadays in the global economy, evolving from industrialism towards “webalization” and “informationism”, at the same time as pointing out the most significant problem of the contemporary world, i.e. man’s crisis of identity.

  1. Instytut Dziennikarstwa i Komunikacji Społecznej Uniwersytetu Papieskiego Jana Pawła II w Krakowie

    E-mail: joannakuznicka@wp.pl