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Tadeusz MICZKA1

Transformacje kulturowe

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (76-77) 2013 Data publikacji: 27 maja 2013r.

Artykuł Nr 20130527211830530

Streszczenie The starting point for my reflections concerning contemporary cultural paradigms is the category of mimesis indicating one of the most important qualities of audiovisuality which is copying thanks to image and sound techniques – reality. While characterizing transformation of mimesis I enumerate three categories of audiovisuality: first step audiovisuality, which is copying based on film conventions oscillating between reproduction and creation, second step audiovisuality, which is copying based on television conventions oscillating between direct broadcast and staging reality and the third step audiovisuality, which is copying based on multimedial virtualisations oscillating between different forms of immersion and signalized simulation of artificial “realities”. First and second step audiovisualities create numerous relations and are easily interpenetrated. Their relations are shaped mainly by conventions of various games which increasingly replace previous social rules, especially ethical and communicational. Referring to the latest philosophical conceptions of culture and to philosophy of media I try to prove two theses. Firstly, third step audiovisuality reshapes first and second step audiovisuality, makeing them more dynamic and replacing them to the same extent to which centres of contemporary power may discipline consumers/prosumers – users of new media by the means of so called pleasant disorientation. Secondly, the development of third step audiovisuality is directly connected with tendencies to move various aspects and forms of life of an individual and a group from real space to virtual space.

  1. Instytut Nauk o Kulturze i Studiów Interdyscyplinarnych, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

    E-mail: tmiczka@interia.pl