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Idea transformacji jako paradygmat

Język publikacji: polski

Artykuł w czasopiśmie

Transformacje Nr 1-2 (76-77) 2013 Data publikacji: 27 maja 2013r.

Artykuł Nr 20130527211118578

Streszczenie Thise article includes a reflection on the formation of a new paradigm functioning in the evolution of the sociosphere. The author understands transformation as a specific qualitative change - a relatively short-lived and slow change, on the contrary to revolutionary changes. The economy focused on meaningless hiperconsumption and virtually unlimited enlargement of profit leads to accelerating rhythms of life and an increasing number and variety of transformations. It does not matter whether their effects are good or bad; what is important is change. Transformation as a magic wand counteracts the crisis and gives people happiness. First, one transforms social systems - political and economic – towards democracy and liberalism. Then one needs to transform other spheres of social life. But to do this, one needs to change the architecture of ethical values, moral norms and standards of culture. Therefore, on the basis of anti-values one forms anti-ethics and based on the introduction of new standards of human life one builds an anti-culture. Thus, at the core of any transformation in the sociosphere is the transformation of the axiosphere.

  1. Instytut Pedagogiki Wyższej Szkoły Lingwistycznej w Częstochowie

    E-mail: ws34@op.pl