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Język publikacji: angielski

scientific paper

Transformacje Nr 4(123)2024 Data publikacji: 30 grudnia 2024r.

Artykuł Nr 20241230115640113

Słowa kluczowe: Humanity; Energy; Electricity; Nuclear Fission; Nuclear Fusion; Tokamak.

Streszczenie The consumption of natural resources (renewable and nonrenewable) by humanity will inevitably collapse. Among these resources, what seems to be “key” to start this collapse in the world is energy. In this paper, possible actions to be elaborated as strategies will be discussed, whose tactics depend on technologies available now and in near future. The energy collapse in the world will lead to other collapses such as water resources, and this to food shortages (agricultural and livestock) which in turn will trigger a collapse in health which will fatally lead to the death of thousands of humans. It seems to be a harbinger of an apocalypse, however, there are actions that, if carried out in a timely manner, that is, before the “point of no return” (in which actions become innocuous), can give time for new technologies to be used, avoiding that collapse settles aggressively for human life on the planet. The research for this paper began in 1993 (~30 years), when the perspective of controlled thermonuclear fusion reached its peak. The paper raises questions regarding the relationship between humans and energy, and why energy collapse can lead to the predicted collapse of humanity in 1972.

  1. Faculty of Technology of the State of São Paulo - FATEC Pindamonhangaba, Brazil

    ORCID: 0000-0002-2364-5157

    E-mail: ProfWiltgen@gmail.com our Filipe.Wiltgen@fatec.sp.gov.br