Open access


Magdalena SZPUNAR1

Wiedza, kultura i wartości w społeczeństwie cyfrowym- konteksty teoretyczne

Publication language: Polish

Journal article

Transformations No. 2 (113) 2022 Publication date: 30 June 2022

Article No. 20220630175646451

Keywords: stray rationalism, scientist paradigm, anti-theory, metaphorical thinking

Abstract The aim of the article is to present Husserl's category of stray rationalism and its consequences for the understanding and methods of practicing science. The author tries to answer the question why the scientistic paradigm, the fixation on methodological precision and the fetishization of what is empirically verifiable can be fatal and dysfunctional for science. Scientific knowledge is treated as a process entangled in the sphere of beliefs, values, but also emotions. Thus, emotions are treated as cognitively valuable, not in opposition to what is cognitive.

  1. Wydział Nauk Społecznych, Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach

    ORCID: 0000-0003-1245-5531

    E-mail: magdalena_sz@wp.pl