Open access



Man and Machine: Today and in the coming Future

Publication language: English

Journal article

Transformations No. 3 (110) 2021 Publication date: 23 September 2021

Article No. 20210923211309851

Keywords: artificial intelligence, transhuman, transhumanity, posthuman, posthuman reality

Abstract The article deals with the evolution of intelligence and its consequences. First in the breakthrough phase of the anthropogenesis process, the hominid creatures have transformed into humans in consequence of the development of natural intelligence and now the development of artificial intelligence transforms humans into so-called transhumans, it is into beings exceeding their natural innate abilities. The progress of artificial intelligence is making a real revolution not only in the field of technology, but also in the economy, medicine, agriculture, transport, finance, insurance, trade, education, work, etc. Thanks to this, our world and we in it are changing at a dizzying pace. Artificial intelligence has become strategically the most important technology of the twenty-first century. The country with the most advanced artificial Therefore, the superpowers accelerate the development of artificial intelligence in competing for global domination. This implies a huge increase in financial outlays, which then are missing for the implementation of other important tasks, such, as for example, to fight poverty. Along with the development of artificial intelligence, its alienation progresses and this causes the dehumanization of people. The author presents a number of benefits and threats resulting from the use of artificial intelligence, which do not balance. Among the greatest threats are the transhuman being and the super-intelligent artificial intelligence, contained in the soulless super-robot. It is not difficult to imagine what would happen if such a robot became the "god" who would rule the world and the cosmos, and on whose decisions or whims the fate of individuals, humanity, the world and the survival of our species would depend.

  1. Silesian University in Katowice, Poland

    ORCID: 0000-0002-6353-7206

    E-mail: ws34 @op.pl