Open access


Bartłomiej KNOSALA1, Grażyna OSIKA2, Barbara ROŻAŁOWSKA3

Cultural and Literary Transformations

Publication language: Polish

Journal article

Transformations No. 1-2 (84-85) 2015 Publication date: 5 May 2015

Article No. 20150505221813269

Keywords: Juhani Pallasmaa, ontology of communication, street art, social participation in managing the city

Abstract In the article, the authors show how the changing patterns of communication affect the approach to public space. The appearance of electronic media and, later, the digital media causes new ways of cognition and action – the quest of involving and new modes of understanding the relation between art and technology was a consequence of this change. As the example of the problem of shaping the public space in the light of ontology of communication we display the Juhani Pallasmaa’s “The Eyes of skin. Architecture and senses”. In his book, J. Pallasmaa tries to outline the new paradigm of architecture. According to him architecture was for too long connected only with vision. Meanwhile buildings should refer to all human senses – to sense of touch and to a sense of hearing as well as to vision. The effect of this approach is a new way of perceiving buildings and cities. For J. Pallasmaa the ultimate goal of any building is to relate our conscious to world and to a sense of our entity. Thanks to “deep architecture” we can experience ourselves as spiritual beings. In this context J. Pallasmaa refer to J. W. Goethe concept of the work of art as a factor which improves life. This approach allows to see architecture and town planning as the effect of activity not only technological but also artistic and spiritual. We also indicate that appearance of electronic and digital media, by shaping our perception, changes the models of involving in social action. In this context we display the street art and social managing the city. Street art we try to understand as the result of new approach to social action – involvement in shaping the public space may be the effect of new order of perception. We indicate that the culture of participation is connected with Web 2.0. We are convinced that the key to understanding the role of graffiti in society is to focus on intentions, which push persons to particular intervention in public space. Similar can be perceived social commitment in managing the city. The last ten years was a time of changing mentality of city inhabitants – from passive members of urban community they have been changed to creators of public space.

  1. Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania Politechniki Śląskiej

    E-mail: bartlomiej.knosala@polsl.pl

  2. Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania Politechniki Śląskiej

    E-mail: gra.o@poczta.fm

  3. Katedra Stosowanych Nauk Społecznych, Wydział Organizacji i Zarządzania Politechniki Śląskiej

    E-mail: barbara.rozalowska@polsl.pl